Restoration & Reconciliation

In partnership with the Emmett Till Interpretive Center and funded through a grant by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a series of videos were created documenting the restoration and reconciliation work being done in Tallahatchie County, Mississippi. The videos highlight the restoration of the Tallahatchie Courthouse, the anniversary of the apology to Emmett Till’s family, and student workshops.

Restoration and Reconciliation

A short video highlighting the restoration of the Tallahatchie County Courthouse in Sumner, Mississippi. In partnership between the Emmett Till Memorial Commission and Belinda Stewart Architects, the courthouse was restored to it’s 1955 design. Finalist in the 2017 American Institute of Architects AIA I Look Up Film Challenge.


Emmett Till Interpretive Center Student Interns and Barefoot Workshop

Emmett Till Interpretive Center student interns learned how to create photo-documentaries, combining digital photography and audio to tell a unique story. The workshop was conducted by Barefoot Workshops and funded through the Institute of Library and Museum Services.


Anniversary of the Apology to Emmett Till’s Family

In 2007, the Emmett Till Memorial Commission issued a formal apology to the family of Emmett Till in a public ceremony in front of the Sumner Courthouse. This video commemorates the 10th anniversary of the apology and highlights the meaningful reconciliation work led by the Emmett Till Memorial Commission and the Emmett Till Interpretive Center.